Henry Family | Texas Spring Family Photos

I had such a fun time photographing the Henry Family! I’m always honored to be the first one to take professional photos for clients, and their two boys did so so well for the camera! Thank you, Henry family, for choosing me to photograph your sweet family!

Shooting in Harsh Light:

This session is a great example to show that you can schedule a photo session at all hours of the day. This session, for example, was shot before noon in the spring time. The key is to find the right lighting at your session location.

To avoid your subject squinting or casting shadows on faces during those harsh lighting conditions, a) find shade to put your subject in or b) use external flash to overpower the light from the sun. This location had plenty of shade to use from nearby trees, so we took the simple route!

Most photographers will agree that shooting during golden hour (right before sunset) is the best for lighting conditions. I won’t deny that it can make some dreamy photos, but that time of day is not always ideal for the schedules of families. Since becoming a mom, I now understand the importance and sanity that keeping a routine provides, so there are options when scheduling your session!

When scheduling your session, ask your photographer what time of day they prefer to shoot. The answer may vary depending on their preference, style, and confidence in tackling tricky lighting!


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